Crete 2013

On a trip to Crete I teamed up with Scubakreta for a days diving to Dea island 10ks of the northern coast of Herkilon. The first dive was on a freighter split in half at 37 meters, with 30 meters visit could be seen soon after entering the water,we followed the debris site to the stern of the ship where the engine room was open to view, we followed the hull round and over the top to the bridge, with a 12ltr cylinder it was time to follow the debris up to the 6 meter safety stop.

Lifeboat Derrick

The second dive was on a 36 meter site discovered by Jacques Cousteau in the sixties, it was one of the largest amphorae sites to be found, the site is still being mapped out to this day, it consists of whole and broken amphorae over a large area and more are being discovered as the sands shift.


